Sunday, January 9, 2011

Spiritual Quamtum Physics -- Answers Spiritual Questions


I am in my fortieth year of studying many of the religions and philosophies of man going back at least 10,000 years.

I have learned a great deal and collected lots of information. But in doing so I have built a tremendous pile of unanswered questions.

Every religion and every philosophy seems to give just a small piece of the infinite puzzle of who is man, who is god and what is the relationship between them?

Therefore, I always felt that my studies were incomplete. That there is no one religion or philosophy that either knows all or tells all.

I still get quite angry when I hear a preacher or a philosopher saying: “… this is the only true such and such…” More people have died from the words “… this is the only…” than from anything else.

I guess my desire to now all the answers comes from my astrological energy structure. Sagittarius Sun (higher wisdom) and Aquarius Moon (need to know the truth). When you combine that with my Virgo Rising (details, details, details)—well there you have it.

No one can truly be happy when operating out of their basic astrological energy function. You chose the sign, now work it. Mine is to know the details of higher wisdom. Take some time to understand your astrological energy structure. Write me and I will help you with yours.

You can see by my energy structure why I chose Mathematics and the teaching of mathematics as my chosen profession.

We live in great times. When our solar system orbited around our Galactic Sun and entered into a new 30 degree arch called the Age of Aquarius --- I felt it. I felt it in my bones. I knew that here was the key I was looking for that would help me unlock the mysteries of man, god and the universe.

For several years I read and studied what the eggheads in the Universities and the mad scientists in their laboratories said and wrote about this new Paradigm that they called Quantum Physics.

It left me cold. To me it was tasteless. They talked of things that had no meaning in my life. Big Bang Theory, black holes, waves, photons, laws of chance and chaos, etc.

They left a great many questions unanswered. Many of the religions and philosophies of the East explained man, God and the relationship between in simpler and easier to understand language that made sense.

The Bhagavad-Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, and even the Norse Edda’s left you with a warm feeling that you were on the path to true understanding.

The biggest reason why I decided to drop what I call Scientific Quantum Physics was the glaring fact that they left out the most important ingredient. The ingredient that contains all the answers and this ingredient is called The Creator God. It is the Creator God who thought the Universe and everything in it into being.

The biggest unanswered question that they eggheads and the mad scientist did not answer in their Big Bang Theory was: Who put all that energy into a big ball in the first place?

So I rejected all that godless nonsense and decided to create my own theory. I call it Spiritual Quantum Physics. And now after several years of writing and studying it seems to be working fine. It Answers many of my unanswered questions about man, God and the universe.

Here it is in all its simplicity.
The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics

“There exists and infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, which in reality is the Mind of God. Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in this Quantum Ocean. There is no past, present nor future. There is only the NOW! There is no width, depth or length only the HERE!

Therefore there exists only an infinite timeless, space less point where everything that was, is or will be exists.

What a wonderful definition for the Mind of God.

And who are we? We are individual souls who live, move and have our being within this infinite soul called God. We ‘blink-in’ and ‘blink-out’, of the Mind of God, onto the physical plane where we learn our life lessons.

We use these life lessons incarnation after incarnation after incarnation in pursuit of our true destiny. And that destiny is to continuously raise our individual levels of consciousness, becoming more and more godlike, till we become gods.

How can any thinking man/woman believe that this all can be done in one short life of 70 years?


Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Spiritual Quantum Physics "I ACCUSE!"


My spiritual teacher of 35 years, I.F., repeated to me over and over: “if you cannot explain something in your own words then you do not know what you are talking about.”

Our Solar System which has just orbited around our Galactic Sun into a new 30 degree arc is of immense importance to humanity on the planet. This movement has started the “Age of Aquarius.”

It is an event that will change life as we know it on the planet. These changes will be slow and gradual and will take 2000 years to run its course. But there will be many individual violent and sudden events due to the lightening energies of the ruling Planet Uranus. These will destroy the most evil energy structures on the planet to ease in the new energy. You cannot place new wine in old flasks.

The movement of the Solar System has changed the S (space), T (time), E (energy), M (matter) continuum by which we experience life on this planet.

“I accuse!”

I do not like what the academic scientists call the Age of Aquarius Quantum Physics. I do not like or understand their Big Bang Theory; Black Hole Theory; Laws of Chaos, or even the Einsteinan Theory of Relativity that they rest all their theories on.

What I dislike the most is their complete disregard of a guiding force that is more powerful than their own limited human mentality. Their total disregard of a creative force that controls their destiny and the destiny of all mankind as well as the destinies of the planets of our Solar System. They have arbitrarily placed themselves as the highest form of intelligence on the planet and even in the Solar System.

“I Accuse!” them of consciously and unconsciously retarding the spiritual growth and destiny of humanity on this planet. They have tried to bury us in the lower levels of consciousness called “materialism”.

Therefore I will try to explain these great phenomena, this great event called the Age of Aquarius in my own words.

I will start by renaming this new paradigm, “The Laws of Spiritual Quantum Physics.” I will unequivocally say that there is a Prime Mover, A Grand Architect, A First Cause called the “Creator God.”

Here are my abstractions of the Age of Aquarius:

“There exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. There is no time there. No past, present nor future. Only the NOW!

There is no space there. No width, length nor depth. Only the HERE! Therefore there only exists the “HERE-NOW!”

Everything that ever was, is or will be exists in this timeless, space less infinite point called the Quantum Ocean.

What a great definition for the Mind of God!

Moreover, we live, move and have our being within this Mind of God. We are individual souls within this infinite soul called GOD.

We ‘blink-out’ and ‘blink-into’ the Mind of God, over and over, and over.

Each new ‘blink-out’ is a new incarnation. Each ‘blink-in’ is a return to the source.

We ‘blink-in and out’ of this Quantum Ocean, Mind of God for one reason, one purpose only. That is to continuously raise our levels of consciousness with our physical life experiences. To become more god-like because we are all potential gods.

If you don’t like my explanation than for gods-sake (literally) create your own. Get off your duffs and stop accepting what THEY tell you are the truths about God and Creation. They only want to control you with their theories.

Watch and see. They will become the first targets for Uranus’s Lightening strikes.


Visit his LULU Book Store. Softcover and E Books on Runes, Radionics, Quantum Physics, Healing, Astrology and Occult.

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